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Don't Get Me Started

Jun 28, 2016

Comedian/writer Nick Mandernach returns to discuss American poet Walt Whitman! We get into how Whitman's progressiveness, his naturalistic tone, his breaking from the formality of other poets of his era, his celebration of sex and the human body, and of New York City. Was Walt Whitman the real prequel to "Broad City?"...

Jun 21, 2016

Comedy writer Mark Rennie joins us to discuss the 1980s sitcom The Golden Girls. A much-loved, much-revered show gets DISCUSSED. What made it so good? What are some of the stand-out episodes? Who was that guy in the first episode that never got mentioned again? We go over all this an OTHER TOPICS LIKE THIS! Also, Will...

Jun 14, 2016

Actor/writer Matt Newell talks to us about The Sandman, DC's long-running fantasy/horror-ish comic book by Neil Gaiman. We get into the amazing high quality and quantity of stories covered in its run, and the many literary figures who casually saunter through and how it changed from its beginning as a horror comic....

Jun 7, 2016

Actor/comedian Sarah Claspell talks to us about the band Barenaked Ladies! She explains how they're funny, and great musicians, and often the creator of heartbreakers as well as bootyshakers, and that they are much more than their biggest U.S. hit "One Week," which we (thankfully, according to co-host Will) do not play!...